Hai hai... Writer gaje
is back!!*eh.. Sekarang, aku mau nge-post tentang salah satu dari macam” teks
B.Inggris, yap PROCEDURE TEXT.. Mungkin bagi kalian, teks yang satu ini udah ga
asing lagi dong ya, tapi mungkin ada juga yang lupa atau malah belum tau sama
Um, let me explain
a little bit ok. The purpose of this text is to explain about how to make something
with step by step. The general stucture : 1. Aim / Goal / Tittle. 2. Materials / Ingridients. 3. Steps. And the characteristics : 1. Use
verb1 and injunction (Put, Add, etc.)
Ingridients :
1. Oreo Biscuits
2. Chocolate Bar
3. Chocolate Sprinkle
4. Candy Sprinkle
Steps :
1. First of all, prepare the materials
2. Next, melt the cholate bar
3. Then, dip each oreo in the melted chocolate
4. After that, sprinkle the cookies with
decorative candy sprinkles or colored sugar
5. Put the cookies into refrigator for aboout
1-2 hours
6. The last, remove from refrigator and enjoy
all guys, procedure text-nya.. Gimana?? Kalo grammarnya masih ancur tulis aja d
kolom comment, maklum namanya juga author abal (?) But, I hope postingan ini
bisa ngebantu kalian.. Yaudah deh, gausah kebanyakan bacot, C YA on the next posting bye xx
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feedback, that’s mean a lot J
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